Saturday, August 1, 2009

Winding Down

I can't believe that the summer is so close to being over. There is really only one more week of complete freedom. Oh well - back to reality and a schedule!

Liam has been talking about his friends at daycare. I think he'll be excited to see them. I'm not sure how Maureen will handle the transition. She'll probably be excited to have new toys to play with.

We haven't done too much this summer. Maureen has started climbing the stairs so we end up playing in her room at times. Liam decided that the rocker was his boat and he was driving it in this picture.

We took several trips to the zoo. Liam loves the aquarium. We could stay in there and look at sharks for hours!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

For Grandpa Al!

Grandpa Al was home this past weekend so we spent some time hanging out with him and Grandma Sue at the lake.

Grandpa has taught Liam how to ride the wave into the shore.
Maureen is still a little tentative in the water. Although the water wasn't too cold, she still needed a little coaxing!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Here's what's going on with the O'Hanlons:

Sean: Ran another half marathon on 4th of July and somehow got up on water skis on the first try? My legs would have been like jello! He's preparing for his next half marathon in Chicago in a few weeks.

Me: Had my final procedure for the whole gallbladder mess. The first one that was done back in May removed a stone that was stuck and placed a stint to prevent others from getting stuck. That was removed Monday. All went well and I feel good as new.

Liam: Boy is he a handful! He's full of energy so I've been trying to keep him busy. We went to Fremont Lakes to swim yesterday and the zoo today. We didn't get to stay long since it was so rainy.

Maureen: Turned 1 on Father's Day. She was not a fan of the cake. Much to Ernie's delight, she dumped the cake part on the floor and cried when she noticed the frosting all over her hands.
She's crawling around, but has not taken any steps yet. She does walk around furniture, but nothing unassisted. She needs to get going to catch up with that crazy brother!

This was the day of Maureen's party.

Ernie: And finally, the dog! Ernie had ACL surgery on his other knee about 3 weeks ago. This recovery hasn't been as smooth. I'll spare the gory details, but he's wearing a cone and hates it. It isn't stopping him from getting the food that the kids drop on the floor though!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well, I'm a little late. Some of you may know that May was a disasterous month in the O'Hanlon house. I went to the ER with self-diagnosed gall bladder problems. As it turned out, I was correct. Long story, short: I ended up with a bad case of Pancreatitis and spent 2 weeks (3 of those days in ICU) in the hospital. I missed a total of 3 weeks of school.

I'm on the mend now. I will be having surgery to remove my gall bladder in 2 weeks and all should be good. I hope:)

Sean kicked into single dad mode and with the help of family and friends, the kids survived.

We've been enjoying our summer. We've taking trips to the park and today went to Boingz. If you haven't heard of it, it's a facility with bounce houses and giant slides. Liam had a blast. I should have taken a camera:(

Hopefully the weather will get nice soon and we can make some trips to the splash parks and pool. I suppose I better find a swimsuit - YIKES!

We've been bad about taking pictures, so I don't have any for this update:( I'll try to be better for the next check in.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Where has the time gone? The weeks of school are getting fewer and fewer. It will be nice to spend time playing with the kids, instead of grading tests, planning lessons, etc.

Liam continues to keep us on his toes. He's anxious for the weather to stay nice so we can play outside. We took advantage of the few nice days to draw on the driveway and take a few walks.

Maureen is a crazy girl. She does not like to sit still. We really have to watch which toys are out because she gets in to everything.
We decided to use the dining room as a play room. These pics were taken on one of the rare days where most of the toys were in the tubs. Usually they are all over the place. Even Ernie likes to get in on the action!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Since it has been almost a month, I better update what has been going on with the O'Hanlon's.

Our first child, Ernie, is recovering from his knee surgery. He's given us a scare a few times by walking on three legs again. This time, it's his "good" knee that he's not putting weight on. We're really hoping that we're not in for another surgery.

Liam is finishing up swim lessons. He enjoys them a lot, but isn't the best listener. He has a hard time waiting for his turn.

Maureen finally has teeth! Just two, but she's awfully cute with them. Her stomach issues seem to be getting a little better. It will be nice when she doesn't have to have a bib on.

She is motoring all over the place. We have to keep an eye on her since she tends to find Liam's toys and everything goes right to her mouth!

I'd love to post pics, but this computer doesn't have the slot for my camera card, so I'll have to do it once I've moved pics to my flash drive.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Check in #2

Ernie came home Friday afternoon after spending the night at the vet's on Thursday. He looks pretty rough. His whole leg is shaved along with a spot on his back for his Morphine patch and a spot on his front paw that was where his IV was put in. He's able to put some weight on it and even attempted some stairs (against doctor's orders). It will be a slow recovery, but it will be worth it to see him swim and run this summer.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February Check In

Let's see. What is new with the O'Hanlons? Not much really. We're just back to our daily grind.

Liam is enjoying the preschool room at daycare. During our car ride home, he tells me what he's learned that day. There's usually some singing too. He's just learned Little Bunny Foo Foo. When I called on my way home from class Tuesday night, he answered the phone and started singing.

Maureen is growing like a weed. We just introduced her to the doorway bouncer. She loves the standing one at daycare, so we decided to get ours out. She loves being in it. She's also creeping all over the place. She doesn't go forward yet, but will go backward and turn around. It's only a matter of time and then we'll really need to keep an eye on what toys Liam has out. She loves to stick things in her mouth.

Ernie is ready for the warm weather. He likes to stay outside when it's time to go out. His knee has been bothering him a lot, but he'll be on the mend soon. His ACL repair is scheduled for this week. Hopefully he'll be as good as new afterwards.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, it looks like this will be monthly updates since I'm so bad at updating this site. We had a nice Christmas. It was fun watching Liam this year. He really enjoyed ripping into presents this year. But I think he enjoyed spending the time with family almost as much as he did the presents. Every morning, he asks me who he's going to see that day. Isn't mom enough??

Maureen had the typical Christmas for a 6-month old. She enjoyed the snuggles from everyone more than the great presents she got.

It was nice to have the time off. It's hard to believe that break is almost over and it will be back to the grind. I think Liam will be ready to go back to daycare though. He's talks about his friends a lot. We're guesssing that he's going to be a social butterfly like his dad.