Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Check in #2

Ernie came home Friday afternoon after spending the night at the vet's on Thursday. He looks pretty rough. His whole leg is shaved along with a spot on his back for his Morphine patch and a spot on his front paw that was where his IV was put in. He's able to put some weight on it and even attempted some stairs (against doctor's orders). It will be a slow recovery, but it will be worth it to see him swim and run this summer.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February Check In

Let's see. What is new with the O'Hanlons? Not much really. We're just back to our daily grind.

Liam is enjoying the preschool room at daycare. During our car ride home, he tells me what he's learned that day. There's usually some singing too. He's just learned Little Bunny Foo Foo. When I called on my way home from class Tuesday night, he answered the phone and started singing.

Maureen is growing like a weed. We just introduced her to the doorway bouncer. She loves the standing one at daycare, so we decided to get ours out. She loves being in it. She's also creeping all over the place. She doesn't go forward yet, but will go backward and turn around. It's only a matter of time and then we'll really need to keep an eye on what toys Liam has out. She loves to stick things in her mouth.

Ernie is ready for the warm weather. He likes to stay outside when it's time to go out. His knee has been bothering him a lot, but he'll be on the mend soon. His ACL repair is scheduled for this week. Hopefully he'll be as good as new afterwards.