Tuesday, July 21, 2009

For Grandpa Al!

Grandpa Al was home this past weekend so we spent some time hanging out with him and Grandma Sue at the lake.

Grandpa has taught Liam how to ride the wave into the shore.
Maureen is still a little tentative in the water. Although the water wasn't too cold, she still needed a little coaxing!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Here's what's going on with the O'Hanlons:

Sean: Ran another half marathon on 4th of July and somehow got up on water skis on the first try? My legs would have been like jello! He's preparing for his next half marathon in Chicago in a few weeks.

Me: Had my final procedure for the whole gallbladder mess. The first one that was done back in May removed a stone that was stuck and placed a stint to prevent others from getting stuck. That was removed Monday. All went well and I feel good as new.

Liam: Boy is he a handful! He's full of energy so I've been trying to keep him busy. We went to Fremont Lakes to swim yesterday and the zoo today. We didn't get to stay long since it was so rainy.

Maureen: Turned 1 on Father's Day. She was not a fan of the cake. Much to Ernie's delight, she dumped the cake part on the floor and cried when she noticed the frosting all over her hands.
She's crawling around, but has not taken any steps yet. She does walk around furniture, but nothing unassisted. She needs to get going to catch up with that crazy brother!

This was the day of Maureen's party.

Ernie: And finally, the dog! Ernie had ACL surgery on his other knee about 3 weeks ago. This recovery hasn't been as smooth. I'll spare the gory details, but he's wearing a cone and hates it. It isn't stopping him from getting the food that the kids drop on the floor though!